TCA Chemical Peel

TCA is short for Trichloroacetic Acid. This is one of the most commonly used acids for chemical peels.It is an acid solution which is applied to the skin, It then blisters off over a period of up to 14 days.The chemical solution improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer layers. It is helpful for those individuals with facial blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation.There are different types of chemical Peels. Phenol, TCA and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs). Some types of chemical peels can be purchased and administered without a medical license, however people are advised to seek a qualified practitioner on a specific type of chemical peel before a procedure is performed.

TCA is normally used for shallow peels (EasyPeel), where the concentration of acid is low, or for a medium deep peels, which is effective against fine wrinkles, freckles, pigmentation changes, acne and other superficial skin conditions, malasma being one.

4 TCA peel treatments are required in order to achieve a good result. A shallow peel with AHA or TCA only affects the top layer of the skin (the epidermis), whereas a deeper peel with TCA or Phenol also works on the underlying skin layer (the dermis).

The purpose of a peel is to remove old and wrinkly, pigmented, or sun damaged skin and to stimulate the production of new and fresh skin cells.

A TCA peel can reduce the fine lines underneath the eyes and around the mouth, wrinkles caused by sun damage, sign of ageing as well as liver spots, freckles, and pigmentation changes. A peel is also able to improve the appearance of shallow scars, and can treat some forms of acne. It can be used on certain types of acne.TCA peeling can improve the appearance of acne and can be beneficial in combination with clinical and dermatological treatment.

TCA is mostly used for shallow or medium deep peels. Phenol is the strongest of the three, and is used for medium deep and deep wrinkles, as well as for pigmentation changes.

Persons with a tendency to form of keloid (excess scar tissue) or other forms of irregular scar formation are not suited candidates.

The procedure

The treatment takes 15-20 minutes. Usually, the patient will be asked to apply pre peel skin care product on the skin for 2 weeks before the treatment. These cream contain active agents, which help prepare the skin for the peel, and which will improve its ability to form new skin cells afterwards.

What is the treatment like?

After cleansing the skin to remove oils, the peeling agent is carefully applied. Within minutes, there is a very warm sensation that feels like sunburn. This lasts for a few minutes and is rapidly relieved by the application of post peel mask.

Usually, no sedation is used during a chemical peel. For a Deep chemical peel, a local anesthetic is required to numb the face. Sedation is also an option for this procedure. The skin is cleansed and a strong chemical peel formula is applied and left on for around 30 minutes before being removed.

Patients can feel ill after a deep chemical peel, and may experience moderate to severe pain lasting many days. The face swells in the first two days and it can be very itchy during the peeling and healing process. The face will be very red and may ooze a little fluid after the deep chemical peel treatment and it will take around two weeks before the face is healed enough that you may want to venture outdoors.

Risk of complications

There is a risk of temporary discolouration of the skin in the treated area.With medium peel hyrer-pigmentation can occur even if you use sunscreens. Brown blotches can be treated with bleaching and bleaching cream.The risk of pigmentation changes increases when taking contraceptive pills.

Healing and recovery

After the peel, the skin will react similar to when getting sunburned. The skin will typically turn red and start to peel off, and it might swell up a little. This usually stops within a week.

After having a deep TCA peel, you might get fluid filled blisters, similar to having a second-degree burn. These will disappear within 1-2 weeks though.

Normal activities, such as work, can be resumed after 10-14 days(medium peel).

The new skin on the treated area will be very sensitive to sunlight for at least 6-8 weeks afterwards. During this time it is very important to protect the new skin with sunscreens, hats and the avoidance of strong sunlight.Use sunscreen with a high protective factor for several months.

Duration of the result

The result after a few TCA peels is a smoother, fresher skin, where freckles as well as other imperfections in the skin will be significantly reduced, or gone. One deep chemical peel treatment can give remarkable results and the effects last for a decade.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much improvement will I have?

In principle, the amount of improvement is individual and depends on the initial condition of the patient's skin. Maximum improvement of damaged skin and wrinkling ranges from50%-80% and, although100% percent improvement is not possible, most patients view the results as dramatic.

Chemical peel cannot heal loose or sagging skin, and do not serve the same function as a face-lift. Laser resurfacing, or soft tissue fillers may be much more effective. These options should be discussed with your medical practitioner. Chemical peels can not remove broken blood vessels on theface. However, chemical peels may improve the appearance of these conditions.

What happens after the treatment?

After having a TCA peel patients are advised not to wash the treated area with water for 24 hours and protect fromUVA radiation. Apply Post peel moisturising cream and sunblock as required. Patient's progress should be monitored and should be invited back to clinic at prescribed intervals for follow-up examinations with the practitioner and given specific post-peel instructions.

How Much Does The Treatment Cost?

The price of the treatment ranges from £80-£1,000 for easy and medium peel. It will also depend on the type of chemical peel that is recommended for your type of skin.

For more information visit: php.


TCA Chemical Peel Photos Before After

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Tuesday 15 January 2008

Mole Removal

Why remove them?

There are a number of reasons for removing moles be they purely cosmetic or medical. For some moles are regarded as “beauty spots” which is fine if they are well placed and add rather than detract from one’s appearance. But in most cases facial moles, or cysts, warts and other lesions are regarded as embarrassing. They can also sometimes be physically uncomfortable, So if you have protruding moles that interfere with normal habits such as washing, applying make-up or shaving, or which rub against clothing, spectacles or jewellery, or if you feel embarrassed or self-conscious about them they are best removed.
Medical reasons for removing moles.
It is well known that moles can be at the route of more sinister and sometimes life-threatening diseases, and yet the average patient feels self-conscious about seeking medical advice for such a minute body. As experts in the field of cosmetic surgery we see many and varied moles regularly. We will study the lesions through a powerful microscope and we use the latest modern technology in the treatment process. If we should have any concerns we will help you arrange a prior histology report. Alternatively following treatment we may decide, with your permission, to send some removed tissue to a specialist laboratory for examination. In this case we will convey the results to you as soon as they are received Either way we will take a proactive part in helping you obtain the right medical advice should this prove necessary. Of course we cannot take responsibility for medical advice and always recommend you see your doctor if you have any concerns, but there are tell-tale signs that we may spot in the first instance. These are usually presented by changes in size, shape or colour or itching or bleeding. Fortunately today diagnosis and prevention are available with modern techniques earlier than ever before.
Prior to treatment you will attend for consultation with a specialist surgeon when the method and anticipated results can be discussed in detail. Risks are very few and rare, but the consultation will give you an opportunity to fully discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure.

Shallow moles can be removed with a scalpel which shaves just below the skin, followed by cauterization or burning the area with a solution to stop bleeding. Otherwise they are normally removed by incision requiring stitches or cauterization. The stitches used will depend on the depth of the mole. In the case of more shallow moles the stitches will be removed subsequently by the surgeon, but for deeper moles the stitches employed will be of the variety that disperses naturally without further intervention.
The first clue as to the kind of treatment is in the shape and colour of the mole. If it is flat and/or dark in colour it is more likely to be removed by incision with the use of stitches. The area will first be sterilized and then numbed prior to the surgical treatment involved.. Alternatively laser treatment has been employed on shallow moles but this method cannot be employed for deeper moles.
Whichever method is employed the treatment, for example, of one or two moles is of short duration.
After effects and care
Following the treatment a scab is likely to appear which should disperse within a couple of weeks. Initial redness will take a week or two longer to fade, and if there are any residual scars they are normally minimal in nature and will fade over time. After treatment it is important for the patient to follow instructions to keep the wound clean during the healing process. Remember we are always here to give you friendly advice and support if so required.For more information visit: